Canadian Political Poetry

Political poetry you might appreciate

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This retired person has numberous degrees from the University of Toronto and has lived a life of extreme danger and adventure. If you live in the Western World, it is vital that you read as much of this blog as you can. It is also vital that you check the complete profile here and at the bottom of that page, check the other blogs.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The war over there

That War Over There


James Bredin

They passed another resolution at the UN today,
Stand up and be counted because everyone has to obey,
They’re going to send peacekeepers here there and everywhere,
Though they may need help from Bush and also help from Blair.

And that Saddam scandal about oil for food is gone,
Ideas about criminal charges had to be withdrawn,
They’re going to have another war over there somehow,
They just don’t know when or who or where right now.

But we’re in a war that no one seems able to explain,
With Taliban suicide bombers in Afghanistan terrain,
Without a battlefield because none is needed,
Because peace keeping in the past sometimes succeeded.

But suicide bombers changed that and killed twenty eight,
Canadian soldiers and we still have had no debate,
As we suffer in silence and continue to count the dead,
So brave not to react and believe what they said.

That peacekeeping is not really like going to war,
But suicide bombers are very difficult to ignore,
And so are rockets landing in the middle of the night,
Should peacekeepers have to care and be so polite?

And should politicians react or care or even give a damn?
Headlines in the papers don’t question or exam,
How about a referendum to see if we should quit?
Or a reason for coffins without war and is it legit?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Referendum on Kandahar

A Referendum on Kandahar?


James Bredin

Have things come off the handle over in Kandahar?
Shooting an Afghanistan policemen is going a bit far,
Is this peacekeeping, warfare, riots, revolution or what?
Or is this the reaction to the caskets coming home a lot?

Anarchy, democracy, theocracy or does it matter?
Throw in some suicide bombers and bodies go splatter,
They don’t wear uniforms so the enemy is concealed,
This must be peacekeeping because there is no battlefield.

The National Investigative Service is there they said,
To inquire about how the policeman ended up dead,
How many suicide bombers does it take to kill ten men?
Will the answer change if the question is asked again and again?

As the body count soars and the UN couldn’t care less,
They’re busy in Africa and Lebanon and have stress,
No one found Osama because he’s busy playing god,
And our soldiers are supposed to pussyfoot and not act roughshod.

With twenty eight dead and still counting no doubt,
At what point do we quit Afghanistan and pull out?
Should we even bother to tell the UN about this?
Does the UN care or realize that something is amiss?

They’re going to have a rotation to give them a break,
That is the guys who have survived so far for god’s sake,
And new guys coming in should wear two flak jackets,
Or they too might be coming home in casket packets.

And Canadians stand around as though in a daze,
What are we fighting for in this peacekeeping phase?
And how can we keep the peace with rockets pouring in?
There’s that culture gap, language gap and you cannot even grin.

Will someone please come up with an answer that makes sense?
And not CBC political gobbledygook sitting on a fence,
Could we ask those Liberal guys who seem in such confusion?
About a national referendum to help in this illusion.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Canadian Stuff -> United Nations

Canadian Stuff -> United Nations

Monday, August 28, 2006

Political Changes Not Allowed

Political Changes not allowed


James Bredin

Overpaid pampered pompous politicians from hell,
With a left-wing hidden agenda they need to sell,
Liberal and socialist friends -- their appointed selections,
Supreme Court and Senate – no need for elections.

Referendums and recall of friends will be banned,
Defend democracy and lie that Liberals will expand,
And their Trudeau/Chretien Charter for “EVERYONE” they cry,
Where illegal terrorist immigrants claim rights as they apply.

We see the bearded terrorists dressed in white and we agree,
Lined up for hospital treatment, claiming to be refugees,
Look like the same type in Afghanistan killing our guys,
Politically correct draped coffins and why are we surprised?

Dead fellow Canadians and they’re not coming back,
You cannot ignore the fact that we’ve gone off the track,
As we count these coffins returning from Afghanistan,
We do it for the UN and democracy if we can.

We follow what the UN says from down in New York,
They seem to lead us around like a herd of dorks,
While our serious sovereignty is all propaganda fed,
No referendums, no recall, so peacekeepers wind up dead.

Adscam declared they’ll soon have another conference,
To increase our taxes and gain more Liberal confidence,
They hope to select our next Liberal prime minister,
No mention of dead soldiers and it’s more than sinister.

Sunday, August 28, 2006

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Vagrants panhandlers addicts and war


James Bredin

There was a time when vagrants and addicts were jailed,
And psychiatric patients hospitalized or seldom bailed,
When Canadians could walk the streets and not be disturbed,
By homeless panhandlers who now keep people perturbed.

It seems as though political correctness has ran amok,
The result of Trudeau/Chretien Charter and we’re stuck,
With terrorists and criminal refugees all claiming rights,
We were meekly managed by their left-wing media might.

Oh, they say, we have democracy, and isn’t that great?
Wait five years for an election and maybe have a debate,
Because without recall or referendums we are floating logs,
Or sheep in a large flock being herded by Ottawa blogs.

As they send the good guys to Afghanistan for UN wars,
Or maybe Rwanda or the Congo and its up yours,
What’s this about change, and whose side are you on?
We’re all with the UN together in Afghanistan.

And don’t you dare ask questions about whose authority,
Not the soft-on-crime appointees of adscam minority?
So it might help, if we had recall or referendums,
Could the Charter be just for Canadians in an addendum?

It’s the complete lack of Canadian values I detest,
We just go to daily funerals and we wouldn’t dare protest,
The good army guys are getting slaughtered over there,
But here, it’s addicts and the panhandlers that we care.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Canadian Stuff -> Toronto the Good

Canadian Stuff -> Toronto the Good

Friday, August 25, 2006

Liberal Adscam Leadership Contenders


James Bredin

These leadership contenders will say anything for a vote,
Adscam Liberal oddballs with no ideas to promote,
Concessions here, concessions there and open the jail door,
Afghanistan is more important than dead guys by the score.

They say we don’t want capital punishment but they don’t know,
No free votes in parliament and how low can we go?
No binding referendum, no recall – we’re tied with their strings,
Their rule of democracy is their divine right of kings.

We’re getting good at going to funerals and no one asks why,
Young men go off to Afghanistan and get blown up and die,
And the UN runs Ottawa and Ottawa runs us,
And Liberal leadership contenders say that this is a plus.

According to a new poll some politicians should be in jail,
Ninety five percent of those polled said this without fail.
Appealing to common sense might be a suggestion,
But in Ottawa or the UN this is out of the question.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Canadian Stuff -> We shall overcome

Canadian Stuff -> We shall overcome

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ban Peacekeeping

Ban Peacekeeping


James Bredin

Canada should pass a law to avoid troubled places,
Their affairs are not ours and too many dead-guy cases,
They call it peacekeeping but any excuse for a war,
If we had a no-peacekeeping law, we couldn’t go that far.

And why should Canadians die for causes over there?
As we count the dead in this spectacular UN affair,
And our pompous politicians might have to sit and think,
If we had this law, their ambitions would surely shrink.

Just pull out of Afghanistan and tell the UN go to hell,
We’re a sovereign nation and this whole affair smells.
It doesn’t take a lot of brains to figure we should pull out,
No victory for the dead, and why, in case you had a doubt.

We need this law just to keep our politicians in check,
Can’t go peacekeeping where a man might get shot in the neck,
Or maybe binding referendums or recall would work,
Maybe save lives instead of politicians going berserk.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

African Madness

African Madness


James Bredin

It appears to me that Sub Saharan Africa is mad,
A large portion dying from AIDS which is quite sad,
Another portion starving, killing, shooting or being killed,
And the UN wants us all involved in this, up to the gills.

Because the UN has its own not so hidden agenda,
In their international left wing socialist propaganda,
They make it sound as though we have an obligation,
Like the old Christian missionaries who stayed on station.

You remember the Rwanda dead and then there’s Darfur,
Humanitarian crisis that repeat for African poor,
Then there’s the Congo with their daily armed clashes,
Guns, bombs, death and grenades amid frequent flashes.

Nothing is normal where thousands of women are raped,
Where child soldiers are given guns and trained and shaped,
Amid another UN draft resolution by politicians,
Pompously proclaimed while they ponder their ambitions.

Democracy and fair elections are all a distant dream,
And nothing is going to change much in an off-the-wall scheme,
Peacekeepers only add to the madness where there are mines,
Could this be much worse than in those old colonial times?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The UN, Hezbollah and War

The UN, Hezbollah and war


James Bredin

The UN wants to be involved in the Middle East affairs.
A debating society where no one really cares,
They’ve been deceived by the fallacy of their own importance,
Regularly refuse the reality and their impotence.

They’ve been in the Arab-Israeli maelstrom five times,
As they try to interfere with ongoing terrorist crimes,
Send peace keepers here and there to fix this and that,
As useless and pretentious as a welcome mat.

And now the UN has been proven useless once more,
As in Rwanda -- half a million -- and then Darfur,
And now even Hezbollah has defied the UN too,
Because they act independent, this rich terrorist crew.

So sending rockets into Israel is now okay,
So negotiate with Hezbollah, politicians say,
Do terrorists change their spots in the middle of the night?
Will the UN tell them that they agree with their fight?

And the UN will soon be just like the League of Nations,
An obscure useless memory of forgotten relations,
History tends to repeat itself and it all happened before,
Terrorists and dictatorships always wanting war.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Canadian Stuff -> United Nations

Canadian Stuff -> United Nations

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Monday, August 21, 2006

Theocracy Democracy and War

Theocracy Democracy and War


James Bredin

Intense imams don’t like to dream about democracy,
Because they are so deep into their own theocracy,
In the game of power they are like other politicians,
And democracy might interfere with their ambitions.

We can’t say for sure whether this is good or bad?
Without recall or referendums we too have been had,
In our so called democracy we wait years for an election,
In the meantime they’re inclined to take us in any direction.

How do you get an imam’s or politician’s attention?
Dead soldiers or a war seems beyond their comprehension,
Where the clash of regions and religions are involved,
If civilizations could just talk, some of this might be solved.

This is what the United Nations was supposed to be about,
Not sending armed soldiers in case someone had a doubt,
These were the only original UN expectations,
Forgotten long ago like the old League of Nations.

And those who scream about some humanitarian calamity,
Some distant disease, war, terrorists, plague or insanity,
Say they want peacekeepers promptly and money to boot,
And when you see their dictators, stand up and salute.

Sunday, August 21, 2006

Canadian Stuff -> United Nations

Canadian Stuff -> United Nations

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Youthful Offenders Act

Youthful Offenders Act

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Afghanistan Canadian Peacekeeping

Afghanistan Canadian Peacekeeping


James Bredin

Do we have a death wish or are we completely mad?
As our sons and daughters come home dead daily in a bag,
And as the numbers mount and we all tend to loose count,
When did peacekeeping become a war and on whose account?

Like you, I don’t know what’s on in Afghanistan over there,
They say that more of them are dead than us so don’t despair,
But because this is war, where is the battlefield?
Or do suicide bombers just jump out from being concealed?

And how, pray tell, can we the people, influence these events?
Or are we all happy and silent and no malcontents?
How many dead Canadian soldiers will it take?
Maybe a regiment for Afghanistan and the UN sake.

It’s too bad about those impoverished farmers and their land,
Afghanistan opium poppy crop was in bloom so grand,
But someone come along and damaged their plants?
Is this part of democracy and peacekeeping plans?

As we walk in a funeral march to a UN tune,
And await the next one which could be pretty soon,
Without recall, referendums and no set election date,
The list goes slowly upward as we watch the death rate.

We need someone to justify; give us a reason why we’re there,
More than an announcement that we’re a major UN player,
This is not WW1 where soldiers ran to their death,
This is adscam Liberal arranged management Macbeth.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Emigrant.IE: Irish in America

Emigrant.IE: Irish in America

Trudeau/Chretien Charter

Trudeau/Chretien Charter


James Bredin

They wrote their Charter for “EVERYONE”, Ben Laden included,
Though he’s hiding in an Afghanistan mountain secluded,
We the people were not asked about this or given a chance,
The Queen signed it and we all watched TV as though in a trance.

The Trudeau/Chretien Charter did not give us property rights,
No referendums, no recall to their appointees’ delights,
It did not allow us to question these High Court appointees,
Their decisions are right and eternal and no questions please.

Their Charter did not allow for political term limits,
Which means they can stay for life to increase their benefits,
And although it gave us the right to assemble,
If you don’t assemble and be a member, you may tremble.

And proportional representation is never allowed,
We obey like a herd of sheep while we’re told to be proud,
And drunk or useless representatives cannot be recalled,
It doesn’t matter if all his/her constituents are appalled.

Their Charter did not allow for set election dates,
They can manipulate sessions and stay with little debates,
And free votes in Parliament are seldom if ever allowed,
It’s the party line for the brain dead sheep inside a cloud.

And don’t you dare ask if their Charter might be changed,
They’ll look at you as if you’re sick, demented or deranged,
We’re in Afghanistan having a fight with Ben Laden’s crowd,
Suicide bombers with Charter Rights that send us home in a shroud.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Web Poetry Corner

The Web Poetry Corner

Dead Reservists

Dead Reservists Loose their Lives and their Jobs


James Bredin

Will we eventually get the idea and wonder why?
Why are many young men going to Afghanistan to die?
Twenty six young soldiers added to the death toll,
Will someone please tell me why they’re dying in that hole?

We might stay in Afghanistan until they’re all dead,
Is my blood pressure going up; am I turning red?
Have we already forgotten Rwanda and Darfur?
Is there an end to this absurd Afghanistan UN tour?

Have we already lost track of how many soldiers are dead?
Are we so politically correct that we are frozen in dread?
Is it one or two a day and do we sometimes get a break?
No soldiers killed today for God and the UN sake.

When can we tell the UN that enough is enough?
Because one or two funerals a day is quite rough,
Our politicians don’t seem to get this meaning,
We’re sitting UN ducks and they’re not interfering.

Because there is no known battle field over there,
Suicide bombers just appear returning from prayer,
The enemy wears no uniform so they can’t be seen,
Are you getting the message; do you see what I mean?

The generals like this war but they don’t get blown up,
No need for a change, an adjustment or even a shake up,
Individualism not encouraged in a herd of cattle,
And suicide-bomb dead guys don’t make a sound or a rattle.

Peace keeping is not peacekeeping where there is no peace,
And suicide-bomb murders are on the increase,
And our guys are the victims in this grand UN affair,
And no one, absolutely no one at the UN seems to care.

Add terrorists and refugees and publication bans,
We need to be obedient, quiet and servile as we can,
Then add appointee judges of adscam politicians,
How do we get out of these missions and conditions?

Tuesday, August 16, 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006

Locked into a UN agreement

Locked into a UN agreement


James Bredin

Their newspapers are social engineering on a grand scale,
Between advertisements bent bulletins in every detail,
They say we’re in league with the far out left-wing UN,
Pushing peacekeeping or war at the stroke of a pen.

This hidden agenda will sink us in their UN Ocean,
And we will obey because we don’t have another notion,
Without binding referendums or recall we have no say,
Bound by political correctness straight into the fray.

Discussed in caucus where not one man made a moan,
How many flag-draped coffins are on the way home?
Standing at attention and saluting dead guys these days,
Heroes in hearses with medals going to their graves.

The UN seems useless with their constant resolutions,
Diplomatic disasters without serious solutions,
International appointees pretend that they’re ahead,
Promoting peacekeeping as war will increase the dead.

UN Rwanda-type decisions got half a million killed,
Still the UN declared that their obligations were fulfilled,
Shades of WW1 where soldiers walked to their death,
Stuck in a UN peacekeeping play like ancient Macbeth.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

UN peace keeping in Afghanistan

United Nations Peace keeping in Afghanistan


James Bredin

UN peace-keeping guys appear like soldiers on parade,
Sitting ducks for a suicide bomber with a grenade,
I hate to be the one to burst the UN bubble,
But someone has to tell them about this awful trouble.

These days the UN seems to be stuck in the mud,
Can’t stop any war though they should if they could,
Soldiers in Afghanistan getting killed by the hour,
Brave dead young guys in coffins who didn’t cower.

How many more coffins will we carry to the grave yard?
How many more will sing: O Canada, we stand on guard,
At what point do we finally say, we’ve had enough?
Let’s cut our losses and call it off or call the UN bluff.

This is not WW1 with a hundred thousand brave dead,
Buried on battlefields in France with stones overhead,
There’s no battlefields in Afghanistan and no peace to keep,
Indeed it could be the UN death knell or are we all asleep?

Leave Afghanistan to themselves and they can kill each other.
Let them cry for their own father, mother, brother,
We can sit back here in our splendid isolation,
Avoid UN peacekeeping at every temptation.

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Suicide Bomber Death for the UN


James Bredin

Pompous politicians tend to pretend that they’re right,
When without a battlefield there’s no enemy in sight,
Where peace keeping and peace making makes no sense,
When we’re the enemy and suicide is their defense.

They can kill many men with one suicide bomber deranged,
Cowardly fanatical but the rules of engagement have changed,
Therefore peace making doesn’t cut it and we’re sitting ducks,
We’re dead or observers as in the Rwanda crux.

No uniforms in Afghanistan so killers are not known,
And suicide bombers approach completely alone,
Therefore peacekeeping in these places should be reassessed,
Only the UN would consider this type operation blessed.

As they pompously proclaim their sorrow for the dead,
They want more and the number should always be ahead,
Our UN is difficult to believe but this is true,
Like hitting your head on a wall till you’ve turned blue.

It takes guts to do this and even tougher to admit,
Before another dozen soldiers get the suicide hit,
There is no peace keeping and very little debating,
No enemy battlefield and suicide guys waiting.

Will we retire from peacekeeping or even the UN?
Or continue counting our suicide-bomber dead men?
Do we have referendums or recall or what do you think?
Can we impress the powers that be and will they blink?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Recall and Referendums

Recall and Referendums


James Bredin

We hope that eventually some politicians will be replaced,
Because many of them show that they are a total disgrace,
But we have to wait years and years for a distant election,
But if recall was allowed, we might improve the selection.

And why can’t repeat pedophiles be dangerous offenders,
Legal aid lawyers looking for loopholes – all round pretenders,
Why do all repeat offenders manage to get easy bail?
Are we so blind to their intentions that we need Braille?

With referendums we could send Ottawa a memo,
This is a democracy and you are not “el supreemo”
With recall we could even put their jobs on the line,
They could do what we want, leave now, later or resign.

And parliament only sits for maybe half the year,
Why not the whole year just to show that they’re sincere?
Could we have the death penalty reinstated?
How do we have these serious issues even debated?

Could we tell the UN, no more peace keeping guys,
Too many suicide bombers and dead soldiers’ goodbyes,
When will we know about secret terrorist juvenile trials?
We need democracy now -- not propaganda for miles.

Why does every unwed mother get welfare for life?
Why can’t they find a man and then be called a wife?
Why can’t juvenile offenders be named or exposed?
Why no referendums or recall do you suppose?

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Monday, August 07, 2006

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Youth Criminal Justice Act

Youth Criminal Justice Act


James Bredin

The Youth Criminal Justice Act was written to tease,
And allow sixteen year old criminals to do as they please,
Those politicians who voted for this should be exposed,
The names of criminals and details should also be disclosed.

Where those terrorists who built bombs can’t be named,
They have Charter Rights and therefore can’t be shamed,
Because they’re under eighteen the Juvenile Act says,
They have to be treated gently and politely these days.

Incompetent politicians and soft-on-crime appointees,
Judges and prosecutors do anything to appease,
And nothing can be disclosed because of the publication ban,
It’s all part of their pious pompous left wing plan.

Because the system is sacred and cannot be changed,
No referendums and no recall will ever be arranged,
An election every five or six years will have to do,
Young criminals get bail and walk without much of a review.

And who ever said that Canadians had a right to know?
Not in the Charter written by Chretien and Trudeau,
No property right either while democracy bereft,
Odious orthodoxies of their socialist far-out left.

Terrorist refugees on the incoming flights,
Each and every one of them claiming Charter Rights,
Thanks to the Charter imposed without a referendum,
And not signed by Quebec but this is no conundrum.

Sunday, August 08, 2006

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Internet Changes coming to You

Internet Changes Coming to You


James Bredin

I hear the UN wants to take over the Internet,
Rearrange names and numbers but no reason to fret,
Like their Human Rights Councils, they know what to do,
Call it the International Internet Council but who knew?

Where they can direct International Public propaganda,
Influenced by some dictator’s pompous agenda,
And indeed you may find that you are completely banned,
Because of your attitude and political stand.

But never mind, it will all be for a good UN cause,
They’ll take the Internet from the Americans just because,
They want to organize all this without permission,
Because it’s part of their UN political ambition.

And introduce global taxes for poor Kyoto regions,
International red tape bureaucracy for all seasons,
It will be expensive for places with no power,
You better learn to respect them and how to cower.

Of course censorship may be involved in these changes,
It’s what the new UN boss thinks or arranges,
Because if you show disrespect you could go to jail,
Just like their other declared suspects in The Hague.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006

Canadian Stuff -> United Nations

Canadian Stuff -> United Nations

UN Peacekeeping Missions

UN Peace Keeping Missions


James Bredin

Canada’s bureaucracy at the UN has been reduced,
Despite the large numbers the adscam Liberals introduced,
UN proposals are mostly vetoed but they’re not too bright,
Various camps veto each other completely out of sight.

A constant UN exercise in bureaucratic futility,
Which sometimes can cause extreme international hostility,
The war in Afghanistan is only one small sample,
Dead UN observers in Lebanon is another example.

And Saddam’s oil for food has been completely shredded,
No evidence of where the billions went or where they were headed,
And no one is allowed to question UN ethics,
Or find out whose side they might be on in these antics.

There are no front lines but Canadians are being killed,
Our UN peace keepers over there all so well drilled,
Suicide bombers kill our soldiers in those conditions,
And all it does is improve UN political ambitions?

There is no honorable victory and little debate,
No peace keeping there since Alexander the Great,
The British and the Russians realized this and left,
It was years and centuries ago and they all left bereft.

Why should we be involved in their ethnic wars and affairs?
If they want to kill each other over there; who cares?
That’s right; the UN wants us up to our necks and involved,
They have their own agenda and we’re going to get it solved.

Can we withdraw our troops and live in splendid isolation?
The war on terrorism can’t be won with soldiers on station,
There is no battlefield and they won’t come out and fight,
Their uniform is a suicide bomb belt out of sight.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

National Confusion

National Confusion


James Bredin

The terrorist is busy claiming his Charter Rights,
The JP giving the pedophiles bail in the night,
Immigration at the airport is close to confusion,
Incoming terrorists involved in this delusion.

Fierce allegations of racism floating about,
By left-wing soft-on-crime activists no doubt,
Their hidden agenda to open the prison gates,
And build up a special hatred for the United States.

And politicians off in Ottawa busy far away,
They’re reading Trudeau’s Charter night and day,
And McGinty in Toronto lying about his lies,
City Council wondering what next to decriminalize.

And the adscam Liberals want to rule once more,
They were kicked out and they don’t like being ignored,
They allowed the prisoners inside to vote for them,
And their soft-on-crime appointees seldom condemn.

And their left-wing propaganda sheets we endure,
Pumped out in their papers every day for sure,
How many of these adscam guys should be in jail?
And unlike the terrorist guys, never given bail.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006