Dead Reservists

Dead Reservists Loose their Lives and their Jobs
James Bredin
Will we eventually get the idea and wonder why?
Why are many young men going to Afghanistan to die?
Twenty six young soldiers added to the death toll,
Will someone please tell me why they’re dying in that hole?
We might stay in Afghanistan until they’re all dead,
Is my blood pressure going up; am I turning red?
Have we already forgotten Rwanda and Darfur?
Is there an end to this absurd Afghanistan UN tour?
Have we already lost track of how many soldiers are dead?
Are we so politically correct that we are frozen in dread?
Is it one or two a day and do we sometimes get a break?
No soldiers killed today for God and the UN sake.
When can we tell the UN that enough is enough?
Because one or two funerals a day is quite rough,
Our politicians don’t seem to get this meaning,
We’re sitting UN ducks and they’re not interfering.
Because there is no known battle field over there,
Suicide bombers just appear returning from prayer,
The enemy wears no uniform so they can’t be seen,
Are you getting the message; do you see what I mean?
The generals like this war but they don’t get blown up,
No need for a change, an adjustment or even a shake up,
Individualism not encouraged in a herd of cattle,
And suicide-bomb dead guys don’t make a sound or a rattle.
Peace keeping is not peacekeeping where there is no peace,
And suicide-bomb murders are on the increase,
And our guys are the victims in this grand UN affair,
And no one, absolutely no one at the UN seems to care.
Add terrorists and refugees and publication bans,
We need to be obedient, quiet and servile as we can,
Then add appointee judges of adscam politicians,
How do we get out of these missions and conditions?
Tuesday, August 16, 2006
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