Canadian Political Poetry

Political poetry you might appreciate

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This retired person has numberous degrees from the University of Toronto and has lived a life of extreme danger and adventure. If you live in the Western World, it is vital that you read as much of this blog as you can. It is also vital that you check the complete profile here and at the bottom of that page, check the other blogs.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Prancing Pedophile Priests

Prancing Pedophiles Priests


James Bredin

Pedophile priests don’t seem to get a bad name,
Some are made bishops but they still stay the same,
Some are transferred to another parish down the road,
But manage to live by their secret pedophile code.

No women allowed in that enormous bachelor club,
Preaching from high on an alter – not down at the pub,
How dare you think that their actions might be wrong,
They’re holier than thou so shut up and sing along.

And that stuff about the devil and hell is not a lie,
You just walk a straight line till you eventually die,
There are things you didn’t know and they never told you so,
Just make lots of donations and send lots of dough.

To support these pedophiles priests and you have to agree,
We’re all caught in a trap and have to wait and see,
And homosexual pedophile priests are well protected,
By an appointed hierarchy secretly selected.

Unfortunately the church was infiltrated long ago,
By the fairy fagot pedophile talk show,
Is this all a lesson too late for the learning?
How do we change it or stop it as they keep on adjourning?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Gay Priests -

Gay Priests -

Gay Priests

Two Homo Pedophile Priests


James Bredin

Two homo pedophile priests met one Sunday after mass,
They forgave each other for all the sins in their past,
In case they died, they could then go straight to heaven,
Because all their pedophile sins had now been forgiven.

They preached the gospel each Sunday in their fancy gowns,
In vestments down to the ground that would make you frown,
In this pompous pedophile priest fancy disguise,
The faithful still believed but they were not all that wise.

The cardinals, arch bishops and bishops all agreed,
They’re going to sit down and talk about this and see,
But in the meantime they had to protect pedophile brothers,
This old boys club looked after themselves and no others.

Assigned from one parish to another to hide his crimes,
Pedophile homosexual priests con job of all times,
Inside their conspiracies to remain in isolation,
Preach about god and Jesus and their pious salvation.

The biggest con job since the beginning of time,
This colossal sacrilegious offensive sin and crime,
Against innocent children this priestly aristocracy,
Noble standards of pompous hypocrisy.

At what point will justice be done or seem to be done?
When will they cancel celibacy or ordain a nun?
Time you went to confession and recited all your sins,
Watch to see if a pedophile priests smiles or grins.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Monday, June 26, 2006

Multicultural United Nations

Multicultural United Nations


James Bredin

Multiculturalism pushed whither we liked it or not,
So much for democracy which that was not,
Like Trudeau’s Charter – done without a people vote,
No referendums and no recall – please take notes.

It’s a graphic reminder that the UN calls the shots,
And their UN multiculture will continue to be our lot,
No Canadian nationalist feelings will be allowed here,
Only Trudeau’s Charter for “EVERYONE” it is feared.

And nothing can change here because it’s forbidden,
Refugees and terrorists still here and so well hidden,
Media more concerned about human rights than security,
Terrorists love it and use it to hide in obscurity.

Our politicians at the UN have turned us into a basket case,
Still the socialist media say that this is no disgrace,
The names of the terrorists are too difficult to pronounce,
Then there are the five who can’t be mentioned or announced.

Because they come under the Youthful Offenders Act,
Five criminals who are under eighteen and that’s a fact,
We can’t know their names, what they did or who they are,
Young terrorists with a get-out-of-jail card which seems bizarre.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Hundred Million Refugees

A Hundred Million Refugees


James Bredin

A hundred million refugees lined up at the door,
The UN says let them in and they’ve got lots more,
In your multicultural menagerie they should fit in,
And no talk of terrorism because this is win win.

And if Ben Laden comes along, he has Charter Rights,
Maybe tonight dressed in whites in the incoming flights,
Trudeau wrote the Charter for “EVERYONE” around,
Ben Laden and terrorists too so as not to confound.

Multicultural propaganda is not an illusion,
The idea of being Canadian might add to their confusion,
These refugees can keep their culture and stay as they are,
Even to the second generation though this may seem bizarre.

Living in their ghettos, they can all stay aloof,
Multiculturalism not denied or they’ll raise the roof,
Politicians with partisan voting machines just love it,
Though most Canadians would like to shove it.

Soft-on-crime judicial appointees could make it worse,
Add unknown youthful offenders to this national curse,
Hot button diversity added to religion and race,
Therefore terrorism apparently is no great disgrace.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Web Poetry Corner

The Web Poetry Corner

The Web Poetry Corner

The Web Poetry Corner

Melting Pot or Multiculturalism

The Melting Pot Or Multiculturalism


James Bredin

We never had patriots but loyalists galore,
Pre Charter, pre multiculture but not anymore,
Before terrorism, rampant crime and easy parole,
Before UN policies and the left wing took control.

Before ghettos of single mothers making many kids,
The mere mention of which, multiculturalism forbids,
And we of course were expected to behave and believe,
That our socialist politicians would never deceive.

Before under age criminals had their crimes hidden,
Because politicians had all this knowledge forbidden,
Because we were not worthy to know their names or crimes,
Though some may be terrorists in keeping with the times.

Ghetto nationalities tend to stay among their own,
Their own language, culture, dress even when kids are grown,
Dogma of political correctness says this is the way,
No Canadian melting pot no matter how long they stay.

And the people are bewildered and don’t know what to do,
Pussyfooting politicians with decisions overdue,
No recall, no referendums but lots of Charter Rights,
Terrorist refugees on the incoming flights.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Web Poetry Corner

The Web Poetry Corner

African Problems

African Problems


James Bredin

Two or three tyrannies having a war over there,
Each accuses the other of their lack of prayer,
As they raid each others territories and kill on command,
Religion, power, terrorism as they wish to expand.

Add in starvation, plague, famine, AIDS and much more,
Multiply it all by ten and you’re getting close to the score,
They never used democracy and don’t know what it’s about,
It’s dictatorship, soldiers, religion, guns, death and no doubt.

Then they stop and make an official announcement,
And the other side also has a pompous pronouncement,
Each side calls the other side terrorists and more,
While at the UN they scream so as not to be ignored.

And indeed the UN may cause more problems it might,
As they try to guide the world in the guise of human rights,
Pompous appointees push their own Kyoto religion,
Mandatory global taxation to help a favorite region.

It’s the sanctimonious attitude of the UN,
As though we have a duty and obligation to them,
And if we don’t do it, we could end up in sin,
Send lots of money and soldiers so they can all win.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Web Poetry Corner

The Web Poetry Corner

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Guardians at the United Nations

Guardians at the United Nations


James Bredin

Two rows of shiny medals with colored ribbons galore,
Gold braid cap, sashes and sun glasses, hard to ignore,
Surrounded by bunches of bodyguards all big and strong,
In case they meet someone and they don’t get along.

Are there members of the General Assembly here?
Those who strut their stuff on the UN stage without fear,
They want global taxation in the form of Kyoto deal,
Money from developed countries so they don’t have to steal.

Or maybe a standing UN army ready at their beck and call,
Within forty eight hours in case of a putsch or a brawl,
Don’t want peacekeeping types guarding a food train,
Better shooting and killing types where no one can complain.

Stop bothersome tribes from wanting independence,
Stop democracy and ensure their total dependence,
Then declare peace as they bury all the dead,
Or push undesirables back into the jungle instead.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Terrorists 9

Terrorists 9


James Bredin

We didn’t know much about multiculturalism then,
Far-off fancy phenomenon from Trudeau’s pen,
We opened the doors and let those terrorists win,
Various cultures we thought would eventually fit in.

And now that our illusions have come home to roost,
Guided by left-wing CBC socialists to boot,
Pushed by tax-and-spend international bureaucrats,
Taking instructions from the UN and that’s that.

Then the Youthful Offenders Act from those we elected,
Actions shielded as though we had to be protected,
Because terrorists under eighteen can’t be seen or known,
Another Liberal illusion that we should have thrown.

And Trudeau’s Charter is still sacred to them all,
Can’t change things – no way – not one bit – we’re still in stall,
Because international left-wing pundits like it this way,
And Quebec never signed it to this very day.

And incoming refugees still have their own strange culture,
They’re locked in and couldn’t care about multiculture,
We can’t build a wall like Israel to keep them out,
This is what political correctness is all about.

Mix in United Nations and partisan considerations,
Deny that there are immigration complications,
While politicians ponder how to buy their way out of this,
Using taxpayers’ money as we move into the abyss.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Friday, June 16, 2006

Sailing to Ireland � Picture Gallery

Sailing to Ireland � Picture Gallery

Terrorists 8

Terrorists 8


James Bredin

Terrorism lesson almost too late for the learning,
Though left-wing media can’t see it for yearning,
And multicultural Trudeau’s Charter can’t be changed,
They’ll stay politically correct, pompous and deranged.

Where minorities are seen as victims of the majority,
Without a national regulatory authority,
Where multiculturalism became an article of faith,
Politically correct peace fanatics in Charter debate.

It’s not just for Canadians but for “EVERYONE” on earth,
Trudeau’s Charter for terrorists regardless of their birth,
Or how much ammonium nitrate they could buy or blow up,
They can claim Charter Rights no matter how the screw up.

Pussy-footing multicultural types pulling the strings,
As screaming terrorists are shouting from the wings,
Havoc of which equal-status minority will win,
I imagine Trudeau off in the wings playing a violin.

As politicians stand around wondering what to do,
And Canada is caught in its own Catch-22,
The virtue of racial balkanization didn’t work,
In ghettos where terrorists can listen to some dork.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Terrorists 7

Terrorists 7


James Bredin

The road to hell is paved with good intentions,
Terrorists screaming Charter Rights, want exemptions,
Showed government multiculturalism may have failed,
Afraid to admit it even now as terrorists are bailed.

Terrorist Charter rights, trump everything they say,
Therefore they should be released from jail right away,
Because Trudeau wrote the Charter for “EVERYONE” around,
That means all communists, dictators or terrorists found.

But what happened to their planned left-wing Utopia?
Was it the fog of their multicultural myopia?
It’s hard to believe that Trudeau did it to us way back then,
As he wrote his Charter with his left-wing Liberal men.

And Supreme Court appointees don’t have to think at all,
Job till they’re seventy five though the country could fall,
National security not a core value, the lawyer screamed,
It’s human rights and Charter rights, they all gleamed.

And those who object to this are obviously racists,
They should be taken out and whipped, lets face it,
Lawyers and relatives deny they were involved,
They all have Charter rights so the matter is solved.

Therefore open the jail doors and let the terrorists out,
They want to meet with al-Qaeda friends and scout,
Check around to see if ammonium nitrate for sale,
With Trudeau’s Charter of Rights there’s no need for bail.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Secret Canadian Conservative Poetry by kilkee

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Terrorists 6

Terrorists 6


James Bredin

Multicultural mistakes returned to haunt us, my friend,
Though it took us thirty years to realize this trend,
Though monster bureaucracies defend and hesitate,
Correction by ammonium nitrate is hard to take.

Arrested terrorists of course have to find a reason,
False arrest, rotten cops or maybe it’s just the season,
Terrorists born here, refuse to leave or say “Goodbye!”
How many buildings could have been blown sky high?

And in multiculturalism, there’s no need to change,
With Trudeau’s Charter, nothing can be rearranged,
They’ll scream “Racist!” if you even point a finger,
To the Human Rights Commission, you’ll be put through the ringer.

Our left wing communist media is having a fit,
How did we goody-two-shoe types become the next hit?
Terrorists stuff like that just can’t happen here,
But they didn’t blow any place up yet so why all this fear?

And ten thousand more refugees waiting at the gate,
Going to their ghetto and they’re already irate,
We can’t build a wall because these terrorists are here,
And makers of these policies have very long careers.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Terrorists 5

Terrorists 5


James Bredin

Ten million Ben Laden types enroute coming here,
But we already have terrorists on our frontier,
And they will have three or four burka-dressed ladies each,
To increase their population and eventually teach.

They are all part of our multicultural plans,
They have reams of left wing media and Liberal fans,
And no one can stop them because that’s how it is,
No questions, no answers, no suggestions and no quiz.

Because multiculturalism rules this land,
According to Trudeau’s Charter, just like he planned,
Immigrants not required to adapt our ways,
No melting-pot policies and everything in a haze.

We are left with people whose loyalties are elsewhere?
Tell you to your face and you can go into despair,
And no one, absolutely no one, seems to have an answer,
As though we had caught some inoperable cancer.

They’ve known about our multicultural programs for years,
Therefore they can’t be turned back and they have no fears,
Massive ethnic minorities in immigration increase,
Four wives, brothers, fathers, mothers, aunts and a niece.

And in three years for the first time, they know how to vote,
And their left-wing politicians they elect or promote,
You may have got the impression that we had lost control,
When Liberals gave prisoners phones, votes and day parole.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Friday, June 09, 2006

Free Dominion :: View topic - Terror Cell Busted in Toronto

Free Dominion :: View topic - Terror Cell Busted in Toronto

Terrorists 4

Terrorists 4


James Bredin

Liberal Adscam guys moved envelopes of money,
Thought they were in power forever and it was so funny,
They appointed many judges, they loved so much,
Produced a soft justice system completely out of touch.

The question is: how many Liberals should be in jail?
Put in there for years and years and never given bail,
But I forgot; they appointed judge and jury and much more,
Then gave the vote to prisoners so they too could score.

We are forbidden Senate confirmation questions,
No inquiries, queries, answers or suggestions,
And for those appointed judges; it’s exactly the same,
We rarely if ever knew much more than their name.

But they say we have democracy every five years,
Five minutes, where less than half the people vote, it appears,
Add to that, mad multicultural and terrorist stuff,
More refugees arriving as if we haven’t had enough.

We seem to be a country run form the United Nations,
Those of the Saddam oil-for-food scandal complications,
Where the UN General Assembly calls all the shots,
No nationalist feelings allowed but multicultural plots.

And if you’ve read this far and you’re still not furious,
You might wonder why you’re not allowed to be curious,
Because Trudeau’s Charter was for “EVERYONE” on earth,
No Quebec signature, property rights and not much mirth.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Terrorists 3

Terrorists 3


James Bredin

Those into multiculturalism are now in deep denial,
They’re watching closely this upcoming terrorist trial,
No melting-pot policies in their Trudeau Charter soup,
People should stay out of the sacred terrorists’ loop.

Multiculturalism allows them to be different,
Canadians will just have to stay aloof and indifferent,
Policies of ethnic diversity encased in law,
No way the left-wingers will back down or even withdraw.

Unfortunately our politicians too seem hardly aware,
Trained in multiculturalism so they hardly care,
Canadian culture itself may or may not exist,
Charter for “Everyone”, therefore we may have been missed.

The terrorists of course deny all knowledge of this,
It’s the cops, they claim, and they’re full lies and piss,
The terrorists all want to be released from jail,
With white skull caps they can’t fail to get easy bail.

The Liberals all want to loosen up Immigration laws,
Just like the Youthful Offenders Act – all flawed,
They’re worried about their multicultural programs
Vast useless bureaucracies for more pompous adscams.

They fear their useless social programs might be lost,
And multiculturalism might be thrown out and tossed,
They love their creed of diversity where terrorists hide,
Wouldn’t want to revert back to the old melting-pot slide.

Should the burka be considered a safety hazard?
Talking on a cell phone driving a car in a blizzard,
Should incoming immigrants who can’t adapt, go back?
Or stay here, build bombs, in their multicultural pack?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Republic Of Canada -> Terrorists

Republic Of Canada -> Terrorists

Terrorists 2

Terrorists 2


James Bredin

Americans use immigration melting-pot theory,
Our left-wing media hates this or are very leery,
Imposed multiculturalism and Canadians trapped,
Means incoming immigrants don’t ever have to adapt.

Forced fed multiculturalism since Trudeau’s time,
By this left-wing media who said his Charter was fine,
For “Everyone” in the world including Ben Laden’s friends,
Terrorists and refugees with their strange names and trends.

We’re over in Afghanistan trying to put things right,
Thousands of them are over here trying to give us a fright,
It seems we let them in because we are so nice,
Exploding ammonium nitrate could have been the price.

Will national interests or multiculturalism win this fight?
While bearded refugees and terrorists claim Charter Rights,
Besides they mostly claim to have been born here,
No-name young offenders too with bomb making stuff, I fear.

Immigration without integration coming back to haunt,
It’s multiculturalism in your face that they flaunt,
We have to be tolerant of their strange beliefs,
Blind, dead, deaf and dumb wrapped up in Maple Leafs.

The weakness of our system is that we don’t have to vote,
Barely half the people do and the rest of us stay remote,
Politicians take advantage of ethnic diversity,
No referendums or recall but refugees and perversity.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Monday, June 05, 2006




James Bredin

Terrorists had three tones of ammonium nitrate,
So they could make many large bombs and agitate,
Those under eighteen were not named and that’s a fact,
Secrets still hidden in Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Those identified had unpronounceable strange names,
In keeping with our government multicultural games,
This should never have happened in Canada, they expound,
Add many women in long black burkas down to the ground.

But we still don’t know the names of those under eighteen,
Strange law that some criminals remain unknown and unseen,
Need a referendum to abolish this stupid law?
Or would our politicians still just laugh and guffaw?

Paternalistic approach to youth crime should be a crime,
Providing government programs instead of jail time,
Soft-on-crime lenient politicians should now resort,
To putting terrorist young offenders into adult court.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Is the Kyoto Agreement a Complete Sham?

Is Kyoto a Sham?


James Bredin

Is that Kyoto UN Accord agreement all a sham?
Dreamt up by some Saddam Oil-for-Food guy on the lam,
The American and the Australians are not in,
India and China got themselves excused from within.

Chretien of the adscam Liberals got us signed up,
Martin of the adscam Liberals could not get enough,
But they are now in opposition instead of jail,
And we’re still locked in though Kyoto will fail.

So how do we get out of this UN SCAM?
Should the people even care or do they give a damn?
Taxed into the ground for some dictator over there,
Hidden international global taxation affair.

They try to use climate change to prove that they are right,
So send billions to developing countries in fright,
Because if we don’t, the end of the world might come,
Is it possible that Canada could be this dumb?

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Gay Priests

Gay Priests


James Bredin

The Vatican can’t fire gay priests and be left with two,
The seminaries half full of them so what can they do?
They don’t trust women and won’t let them be ordained,
But your faith in the system has to be maintained.

And pedophiles have rights, you know, and can’t be moved,
Maybe just to the next parish where they may improve,
The present status quo can’t be changed; so there!
So be obedient like a monk and say a prayer.

Congregations should be sensitive about this matter,
Pedophile priests here and there is no need to scatter,
And don’t you dare ask your confessor if he is gay,
And if he is; what will you do; should you walk away?

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Thursday, June 01, 2006



Assisted suicide should be an easy decision,
People should be allowed to end their lives with precision,
Forget locked-in sanctimonious religious stuff,
Democracy; the will of the people should be enough.

We should just pass a law and fill in all the details,
No need to get worked up about this or send e-mails,
No need to be sick for years just lying around,
Sign the papers, take the pills and down in the ground.

Call family and friends together on the appointed day,
Tell them you’re going to die and there’s no other way,
Maybe say goodbye and have a little cry,
The final decision is yours; when and where to die.

No need to live in a seniors’ place for years and years,
Or to die slowly sick in hospital amid your fears,
Just tell the undertaker where to shove you in,
You can beat them all and go out with a grin.

Even tell the preacher he can come if he’s not upset,
He can even preach a sermon and there’s no need to fret,
You’re going to heaven for all eternity,
You have decided to leave this earthly fraternity.

Thursday, June 01, 2006