Terrorists 8
Terrorists 8
James Bredin
Terrorism lesson almost too late for the learning,
Though left-wing media can’t see it for yearning,
And multicultural Trudeau’s Charter can’t be changed,
They’ll stay politically correct, pompous and deranged.
Where minorities are seen as victims of the majority,
Without a national regulatory authority,
Where multiculturalism became an article of faith,
Politically correct peace fanatics in Charter debate.
It’s not just for Canadians but for “EVERYONE” on earth,
Trudeau’s Charter for terrorists regardless of their birth,
Or how much ammonium nitrate they could buy or blow up,
They can claim Charter Rights no matter how the screw up.
Pussy-footing multicultural types pulling the strings,
As screaming terrorists are shouting from the wings,
Havoc of which equal-status minority will win,
I imagine Trudeau off in the wings playing a violin.
As politicians stand around wondering what to do,
And Canada is caught in its own Catch-22,
The virtue of racial balkanization didn’t work,
In ghettos where terrorists can listen to some dork.
Friday, June 16, 2006
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