Weird Canadian Politics

Weird and Wonderful Canadian Politics
James Bredin
Adscam politicians just announced that they’ll change,
Pay back the missing money and then rearrange,
Gobbledegook phrases and the cheque is in the mail,
Careful because they’d like to send you an e-mail.
Plus, they’ve decided they want to stay for life,
To tax and spend with callous corruption and strife,
They’ll perch in Ottawa for the rest of their days,
Helped by their many same-sex friends and the gays.
There’s not a public group they have not bought,
Paid with taxpayers’ money and they were not caught,
Through socialist foundations you never even heard,
All under the table as though it never occurred.
Outside the reach of the Auditor General’s hands,
Organized long ago in political plans,
Therefore they call an election and nothing revealed,
Gomery can’t touch it because it’s well concealed.
Denials, inquiries, corruption -- every day events,
Pounding adscam propaganda that never relents,
They will promise you anything including the moon,
Submit serious statistics in writing soon.
Should these crooked politicians all be sent to jail?
Left to rot there for ten years without any bail,
Especially those who constantly travel overseas,
And sit in the tropics with a drink in the breeze.
Monday, November 14, 2005
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