Our Politicians Herd us Like Goats

Our Politicians Herd us Like Goats
James Bredin
The petulant pretence of pompous politicians,
Attempting to manipulate corrupt conditions,
Posturing in culture of entitlement sincere,
Sometimes millions inclined to up and disappear.
They think these entitlements allow them to abuse,
Taxpayers’ money so there is no need for excuse,
Gravy train and junkets and room service please,
Receipts hidden in an adscam Access Act squeeze.
Executive jet waiting on runway number nine,
No questions please because they are almost divine,
They’re on government business but that’s not all,
The world is their oyster and they’re having a ball.
Their tax and spend system is seriously flawed,
Underhanded crooked corrupt and maybe outlawed,
While the taint of scandal lingers in the air,
Bureaucratic administration and they don’t care.
Spread the blame here and there and say others did wrong,
Do anything, say anything but deny your swan song,
The cancerous culture of corruption filters through,
Though spin doctors say those allegations are untrue.
Majority governments all tend to turn bad,
Experience has shown this is true and quite sad,
The idea of a flat tax they just ignore,
Some have gotten the notion they might cross the floor.
As we watch their inclination towards autocracy,
They know about hypocrisy but not democracy,
We should stop them because of what we now know,
The Gomery Report should change the status quo.
Because people manipulated like a herd of goats,
Told what to do or think or say and how to vote,
No need for referendums or democracy here,
No recall, set dates, term limits because they’re sincere.
Friday, November 04, 2005
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