The Illusion of Democracy

The Illusion of Democracy
James Bredin
Canada seems to work by government decree,
Bureaucratic dictatorship compelled to agree,
It happened for Litres and Celsius and much more,
No discussion about adscam and can’t ignore.
Multiculturalism and bilingualism too,
Trudeau’s Charter of Rights though not needed, thank you,
And we never question what they have arranged,
Told that this is the way it is and can’t be changed.
Referendums forbidden except in Quebec,
Where every fifteen years they stop and they check,
Whether they’ll stay in Canada or separate,
They don’t seem to care if it’s right or appropriate.
They came within one percent in ninety five,
If they get much more, will the country survive?
Or will Chretien’s Clarity Act then click in?
Was it the right question or is it a mortal sin?
Or will our politicians finally realize?
That this is happening and they didn’t authorize.
Democracy might be a better way to go,
Triple E Senate and referendums we well know.
Plus recall, term limits and set date elections,
Could we maybe sit down and set these directions?
Or is it that democracy just can’t be arranged?
Can’t vote for a prime minister and nothing has changed.
Thursday, November 3, 2005
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