Canadian Head of State

Canadian Head of State
James Bredin
Canadian head of state is never elected,
He or she is secretly selected,
By prime minister not elected by the public,
Makes announcements like president of republic.
And things can’t change because it’s not allowed,
Not by Ottawa bureaucratic political crowd,
No referendums, recall or term limits for them,
Don’t ever think or ask for it or they could condemn.
You cannot ask, question or show that you begrudge,
Whether governor general, senator or judge,
About special interests or bias in their past,
It’s fait accompli that’s been secretly passed.
And still we cannot change or adapt to reality,
Stuck in the mud of the status quo mentality,
Can’t vote for a senator or a prime minister,
Their propaganda says that this is not sinister.
Democracy advocates are not allowed in the door,
Establishment pretends they’re not there and ignore,
Equalization payments keeps separatists at bay,
Except in Alberta, at least that’s what they say.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
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