Doomed Canadian Democracy

Doomed Canadian Democracy
James Bredin
Parliament is a puppet show of really bad actors,
And they change nothing, these dicey detractors,
Adscam Liberals who don’t seem to have a plan,
Other than staying in power for as long as they can.
Delay the adscam report until at least next year,
Then pompously deny in a voice that sounds sincere,
Those envelopes stuffed with money were a lie,
Blame the Conservatives and it’s easy to imply.
Liberals want to rule Canada and not go to jail,
Hide the truth under constant lies in great detail,
Appoint their special friends to all the high places,
Cover their ass and overlook special cases.
Ethics and the Red Book and Shawinigan affair,
Missing billion at HRDC was terribly unfair,
Equalization and a pension will buy those from Quebec,
The Bloc Quebecois out front in case you want to check.
Isolated in Ottawa away far away,
Party discipline – not constituents – on display,
Accountability in a bureaucratic haze,
No democracy in this murky Mafia maze.
Referendums are completely forbidden,
The idea of political recall is also well hidden,
No proportional representation any day,
But same-sex marriages for those who are gay.
Hold back real democracy as long as they can,
For special-interest types to the very last man,
Kyoto for those extremist environmental nuts,
No smoke from a chimney and we can all live in huts.
Monday, October 10, 2005
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