Remember Shawinigate

Remember Shawinigate
James Bredin
Remember Chretien’s motel in Shawinigan?
Ethics, Mounties and they got voted in again,
Do you remember they never needed receipts?
And the missing billion at HRDC had no deceits.
Remember the High Court same-sex decisions?
Liberal majority and no revisions,
No notwithstanding clause but secret foundations,
And they deny proportional representation.
Remember two-tier health care decision that we’ll pay,
But after an election to ensure they’ll stay,
Two-tier and Kyoto Agreement will be enforced,
Money to secret foundations will be endorsed.
Remember they’ve got it made in the way things are,
Their appointees will cover them though it’s bizarre,
Referendums and recall are strictly banned,
They can do what they like and can’t be charged or canned.
Honorable nerds not accountable to voters,
Who themselves seldom vote for these adscam promoters,
Remember people vote for corrupt politicians,
Germany, China Russian historical revisions.
Can anything be changed or are we all going to hell?
Tied to their status quo and not allowed to smell?
Remember they are opposed to any and all change,
No need to think, do anything or rearrange.
They’ll delay the Gomery report till sometime next year,
Do or say anything to pretend they’re sincere,
And those envelopes full of money were quite clever
And without term limits they’re here forever.
Friday, October 07, 2005
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