Queer Priests

Queer Priests
James Bredin
This problem has been here since about twelve hundred,
When they changed the rules in case you wondered,
Back then, priest’s widows were such an angry hungry mob.
They wanted their property and not starve and sob.
The rules were changed and so that priests could not be married,
No widow problems then when the priest got buried,
Church knew then that queers would like the celibate job,
They were thinking property and their duty to god.
Sex-abuse trials for these so called holy men,
In white Roman collars and black vestments amen,
Credibility, justice, church, god and the devil,
When did heaven and hell go off the level?
The pope now forbids the ordination of queer priests,
Plus those already ordained will have to cease,
Doing what they do and this is long overdue,
What caused the change -- morals, money or déjà vu?
So gay priests can stay but they have to be chaste,
The scandals are getting too expensive to be faced,
Millions and billions being paid to those who sue,
Churches being sold to pay but this too is taboo.
Most of the priests are probably not involved,
Bit it’s that probability that has to be solved,
“Oh,” you say with indignation, “This can’t be true!”
“There are probably only a tiny few.”
But our confidence is shaken as never before,
Can we trust the priest up front any more?
Questions in the newspapers, front and center,
Suspicions of the holy mentor seem to enter.
And what are the odds of your parish priest being gay?
“But that’s not a sinful condition,” they say.
As they sit in the box listening to your confession,
Righteous indignation of the gay profession.
When did the dream turn nightmare from heaven to hell?
When did gay priests feel they had certain rights as well?
And if priests got married would that be a sin?
Can the rules for priests’ widows be changed once again?
Sunday, October 09, 2005
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