Forced-Fed Propaganda
Forced-Fed Propaganda
James Bredin
Clichés and dogmas of diversity become law,
Government ministers cover up all of the flaws,
In their special interest code of counterculture,
Loyalist customs consumed by corrupt vain vulture.
Pompous politicians will show us the way,
Bilingual multicultural and adscam grey,
Obedient Canadians can’t question -- like slaves,
Trained long ago to behave all the way to the grave.
Forced fed propaganda by special interest groups,
Homosexual weddings and abortion soups,
It’s difficult to believe but this is all true,
In Canada, the land of the red, white and blue.
Democracy and their system are now miles apart.
No referendums, no recall and they never depart,
No term limits and they all want to stay for life,
No proportional representation in this strife.
And they wonder why Quebec might want to separate,
Where political appointees never abdicate,
And the Gomery Inquiry was just old news,
While they’re busy taxing and spending and on a cruise.
Friday, November 11, 2005
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