Canadian Political Poetry

Political poetry you might appreciate

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This retired person has numberous degrees from the University of Toronto and has lived a life of extreme danger and adventure. If you live in the Western World, it is vital that you read as much of this blog as you can. It is also vital that you check the complete profile here and at the bottom of that page, check the other blogs.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Toront Political Dreams and Schemes

Toronto Political Dreams and Schemes


James Bredin

The gun problem didn’t happen suddenly overnight,
Started about the time of Trudeau’s Charter of Rights,
Fatherless babies arrived on welfare by the score,
Each increased unwed mother’s benefits galore.

Where fathers are not needed and a drag on their schemes,
Could interfere with unwed mothers’ lifelong dreams,
Free apartment, hydro and parking with her many friends,
Some of whom have fatherless babies in the tens.

Troubled teens they call them as if they were alright,
Those who rob, rape, steal or kill anything in sight,
They can’t even be identified and that’s a fact,
Because of the crazy Youth Criminal Justice Act.

You can’t ask questions directly about these choices,
They are part of the charade and the helpless voices,
The farce of democracy gone mad but hidden from display,
Socialist appointees make decisions every day.

No common sense revolution ever allowed here,
Not in the ghetto, where reality is mixed with fear,
Add the soft system where so few go to jail,
Fatherless boys’ status improves after getting bail.

Then add guns and drugs and a sub culture of gangs,
That noise in the night is the gunshots going bang,
At what point do you think, that we should think about change?
But how to shake the status quo and rearrange?

Add soft politicians, homeless, panhandlers and hookers,
Half a mile thump thump from cars of the onlookers,
And if you say something you might be shot – that’s all,
No hanging, no justice, no referendums or recall.

Monday, May 15, 2006


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