Hey Mr. Pompous Politician

Hey Mr. Pompous Politician
James Bredin
Hey Mister Pompous Politician: What are you doing today?
Is that a ticket for a junket to somewhere very far away?
Did you vote to double your pay just one more time?
Why are you not ashamed and you think this is all fine?
One group of politicians replaced by another group so fast,
Then the new group is as bad or maybe worse than the last,
Has their global-warming scam got everyone’s attention?
They’ll say anything; do anything to get another extension.
Their green program will fix everything if you just let them stay,
Pollution will disappear as they tax and spend to our dismay,
Their new left-wing socialist bias on view but never explained,
Totally different than what they said when they campaigned.
They show no interest in proportional representation,
Or referendums or term limits while on vacation,
Too busy to arrange for change or political recall,
Confrontational issues sent to the High Court to stall.
So many incoming refugee claimants, we could choke,
Charter written for “EVERYONE” – not just for Canadian folk,
And even Osama Ben Laden can claim Charter Rights,
He may be at the airport now in the middle of the night.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
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