No Canadian Culture

No Canadian Culture
James Bredin
No melting pot immigration allowed in Canada you see,
We’re into multiculturalism to a high degree,
And we’re getting inundated by strange cultures indeed,
Under the Trudeau-Chretien Charter, it’s all guaranteed.
So newcomers fail to get involved in our big melting pot,
Isolated in their cultural traditions, dress and language – the lot,
In multiculturalism, we are the ones, who will change,
When outnumbered ten to one, this will not seem awkward or strange.
And changing the Charter is not politically correct,
Because left wing activists think it’s already perfect,
Feminists are busy reducing numbers at the abortion clinic,
With their health card and you are forbidden to be a cynic.
And Canadians shackled to a system of first past the post,
As we watch those erroneously elected celebrate and boast,
But with more than two candidates where combined loosers have more,
As majority try to make sense of the obscure final score.
No referendums, political term limits or recall,
Just junket politicians and their appointees, who crawl,
And they travel the world too for free on official duties,
Or isolated in some government office and quite snooty.
Monday, January 29, 2007
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