Sharia Law or Climate Change

Sharia Law or Climate Change
James Bredin
We’re enroute to the funeral of the way things used to be,
When church and state were separate and you and I could see,
The imams have their own rules and international aspirations,
New ball game full of extraordinary complications.
Will Sharia law or climate change do it to us first?
Could flash freezing of the northern hemisphere be worse?
Will some same-sex- marriage guys point and change the way?
Should I head for the far away hills and have nothing to say?
Is this really the end of the world as we knew it?
Did something happen along the way and we blew it?
Will the separation of church and state just have to go?
Will they all come together as only the imams know?
Is the sea going to rise by the next new moon?
Democratic death spiral of our doomed society soon,
Will demographics – the Muslim numbers – point the way?
Knock knock, who’s there; it’s only us imams and we’re here to stay.
Are we going to have Sharia law – like it or not?
New rules and regulations and they’ve got a lot,
It’s only fair that activists feminists be told to prepare,
To wear the burka or the niqab and always take care.
Because the changes coming our way are really profound,
It’s black headscarves and black dresses down to the ground,
You have Charter Rights but I don’t know about your tattoos?
Discomfort times ten though if you don’t pay your dues.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
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