War on Terror

War on Terror
James Bredin
The war on terror has become a very strange affair,
No real enemy is identified because we don’t seem to care,
The politically correct need guidance and assistance here,
Identify the enemy and terrorist smoke might clear.
Just another multicultural thing to manage they say,
By politicians at the mosque or the morgue any day,
Why do they need our democracy over in the Middle East?
Mad as a mix of suicide bombers or aids refugees released,
While we the people have to tolerate and accommodate shame,
Terrorists all named Mohammed play an international game,
Journalists who interview them say that they are all nice,
Some journalists would sell their souls for a decent price.
As these raggedy-ass pajama-clad guys don’t seem to care,
We should abandon them all alone in their Afghanistan lair,
And what happened to Somalia may indeed happen to them,
As they slaughter each other daily and righteously condemn.
Our incoming immigrants don’t have to change but we do,
As they build their mosques, read the Koran and quietly subdue,
And we have Trudeau’s international Charter to read,
Written for “Everyone” in the world, when “Everyone” agreed.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
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