North American Unification
James Bredin
Is North American unification a go or not?
Is this good or something someone said and then forgot?
Can we trust our politicians as they strut up and down?
How about sovereignty, the border, allegiance to the crown?
How about medicare in case, God forbid, I or mine get sick?
Is it possible that all this could be some political trick?
How about bureaucrats who tend to always interfere?
Quote statistics, write reports that are never really clear.
What about leadership; does anyone up there even care?
Has the media or CBC mentioned this or are they even aware?
What about Ottawa; what would happen over there?
Would they move to Washington and become a major player?
Is this good or bad or should we just up and shut up?
Should we tell our politicians to go ahead or back up?
Should we have a referendum on this important topic?
They’re busy attending a meeting somewhere in the tropics.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
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