Toronto the Good and the Bad

Toronto the Good and the Bad
James Bredin
They want to tear down the Gardner Expressway now,
And they want us all to accept their findings and allow,
When at last they told us about their billion dollar plans,
Have to double your taxes; now those in favor put up your hands.
Because the Gardner is now spoiling their view of the Lake,
And the noise is a mistake and keeping some of them awake,
Just the study cost a million dollars and that was a steal,
But the final unknown overall cost is still tightly concealed.
They have now proposed a flat ten-lane highway instead,
With drawings of a tree lined avenue on a big wide spread,
With pedestrians and few cars -- out of touch with reality,
A graphic illustration of their out of touch mentality.
The Gardner traffic is in almost total gridlock right now,
This constant rush-hour traffic will have to go somewhere else somehow,
And if half the city has to close down, that’s just too bad,
They want their view of Lake Ontario and that’s quite sad.
Another illustration of a lack of leadership here,
From councilors to the mayor to the provincial premier,
Someone somewhere should stand up and tell them where to go,
The answer to their question about the Gardner is a big fat no.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
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