Question Time at the UN
James Bredin
The greatest rip-off in the history of mankind,
And not one single dollar recovered this time,
Am I the only one who seems to give a shit?
Has the stink all blown away and no one gives a whit?
They shredded documents for years but who really cares?
Those who were involved are now all millionaires?
According to the Second Interim Report,
Will they be charged or are they all friends of the court?
UN immunity plus the legal fees paid by you,
All that paper shredded so we don’t have a clue,
And Kofi’s son denied being even involved,
His father’s the boss so he was completely absolved.
Has the Saddam oil-for-food stuff all been shut down?
Who got all that money -- anyone of renown?
Those millions and billions that up and disappeared,
Who was responsible for this – who engineered?
And is Kyoto the next boondoggle on their list?
How far will it go before the money is missed?
Is Canada forever locked in or can we get out,
And the adscam Liberals never had a doubt.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
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