Kyoto and the Adscam guys
Kyoto and the adscam guys
James Bredin
The Communists do their groundwork well in advance,
Attended all the meetings and could tell at a glance,
Like little religious zealot socialist hordes,
They know all about the Kyoto accords.
The US and Australians refuse to be involved,
China and India have been absolved,
But adscam guys kept Canada nose to the grindstone,
UN Kofi’s policies relatively unknown.
Under the table way to fund developing nations,
No referendums but forced taxpayers’ donations,
As they claim that we’ve exceeded their emission caps,
Assigned to us in their maneuvering traps.
Because we will all be equal in their great design,
Some may be more equal but you can’t malign,
But we’re already taxed plus GST up to our ears,
And adscam guys tell us not to have any fears.
We believe the adscam guys despite their scandals,
Even if and when we go to bed using a candle,
Like multiculturalism you can’t point a finger,
Or find fault or try to change things or even linger.
I’m glad I finally got your attention,
Because so few have Kyoto comprehension,
We don’t realize what the adscam guys have done yet,
It’s in our near future and we’re not likely to forget.
Sunday, January 8, 2006
The UN Scandal, Canada and Kyoto
James Bredin
Who was involved in Saddam’s UN oil for food scandal?
Why we know their names – they all got a handle,
Mismanagement on a scale never seen before,
Then many retired, took the money and ran out the door.
Though our managed media then put it all in print,
Monstrous boondoggle and graft down to a the last hint,
Who ran those shredding machines to hide the paper trail?
Millions and billions coming their way without fail.
Supposed to be a humanitarian event,
Which Saddam and his friends decided to circumvent,
Then graft and fraud to stop auditors on their tracks,
Nothing is wrong at the UN so everyone relax.
They did it for years, for every dollar they could squeeze,
And when the shit hit the fan, the UN paid their legal fees,
Allegations of fraud and theft were all bound to fail,
The paper shredder worked so no need for bail.
Kofi’s son Kojo was in it but this was denied,
How could the son of the Secretary General have lied?
The second interim Report meant nothing at the UN,
It’s all over, water under the bridge, amen.
Kofi’s job is up for grabs sometime this year,
Canadian adscam politicians in line up I fear,
Payback for Kyoto – a boondoggle in the making,
Lots of photo ops and even more picture taking.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
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