Questions for adscam politicians
Questions For Adscam Politicians
James Bredin
Why are election dates a surprise and well hidden?
Why is recall not allowed and even forbidden?
Why are we the people so downtrodden and cowed?
Why are national referendums never allowed?
Why does Quebec want to separate or escape?
Can’t be held back by Clarity Act or duct tape,
Even for Trudeau’s imposed Charter or Rights,
Which they refused to sign despite Ottawa’s might.
Would proportional representation change things around?
Is the status quo so sacred and profound?
Who might influence events in our leaderless land?
Where their propaganda says everything is so grand.
Why are we taxed plus GST right up to our ears?
Forbidden to have flat tax despite all our fears,
Why is our justice system so soft on crime?
Why no questions to appointee judges any time?
Why do our pompous politicians travel the globe?
Special-interest adscam trade missions I’m told,
Why does the Charter not allow property rights?
Why enforced multiculturalism from the heights?
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
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