Canadian Kyoto Comes Calling
Canadian Kyoto Comes Calling
James Bredin
The UN officials eventually figured it all out,
With the Saddam oil-for-food scandal they knew the route,
After they hedged and shredded all the paper trail,
Names, places, billions, hidden in every detail.
All their UN dictatorships could now be financed,
And all their Swiss bank accounts greatly advanced,
They could buy all the guns and bombs to stay in power,
Incoming billion would increase by the hour.
They would call their corrupt friends, developing nations,
That would entitle them to huge Kyoto donations,
And claim it all because of global warming,
In the cult of Kyoto, this was performing.
Canadian donated dollars will pass through their hands,
This might indeed change their future financial plans,
But it’s for a good cause, Jean Chretien might say,
Canadians will understand their income taxed pay.
How could the UN be so corrupt you might ask?
Americans and Australians not involved in this task,
With India and China quietly excused,
But Canadians will love being Kyoto abused.
Friday, January 27, 2006
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