Canadian Political Poetry

Political poetry you might appreciate

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This retired person has numberous degrees from the University of Toronto and has lived a life of extreme danger and adventure. If you live in the Western World, it is vital that you read as much of this blog as you can. It is also vital that you check the complete profile here and at the bottom of that page, check the other blogs.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Love and Hate

Love and Hate


James Bredin

Love is a powerful emotion but hate is even stronger,
And like a disease it can both kill and last even longer,
Mix in power, clerics, ambition and politicians,
And all it takes is a switch for hateful warlike conditions.

Hate can be taught to last for more than a thousand years,
Point at their religion, race, politics and shed no tears,
Forbidden to negotiate or even bother to sit down,
While everyone listens to some loud clerical clown.

Peace compared to love is like war compared to hate,
Warmonger and hatemonger don’t want to debate,
And those who sit down and declare peace in our time,
Are ridiculed severely as if it was an awful crime.

And politicians of course refuse to take the blame,
They are united as each of them eagerly proclaim,
Onward onto glory and the good guys always win,
To think otherwise would be a terrible terrorist sin.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


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