Toronto Political Scene
Toronto Political Scene
James Bredin
They want to count all the cute creatures of the street,
Census of panhandlers and homeless who sleep on concrete,
They want some volunteers to count these street people soon,
Before the next election or tomorrow at high noon.
They call it anti social behaviour – not crime,
They seldom get charged these days and never do time,
Since Trudeau’s Charter and appointed Supreme Court types,
That plus some Human Rights Commissions’ left-wing hypes.
All this amid the thunder sound of shots in the night,
Pompously declare that everything is alright,
So what if crime statistics tend to climb through the roof,
Just declare the city safe and that’s all the proof.
As proud panhandlers and haughty homeless wander around,
Annoying normal people that they then tend to surround,
It’s the police who are at fault for the problems out there,
Not communist socialist politicians above the Square.
Not the homeless nor the panhandlers with their hands out,
They don’t commit crimes and of this there is no doubt.
We don’t need bigger jails; in fact we don’t need jails at all,
We need programs for the poor so they can have a ball,
They’re going to throw some more money the activists’ way,
But don’t dare fix the problem or it might go away,
The police are not involved so have pride in yourself,
This will be a grand report to age on a shelf.
We need supervised places where they can do their drugs,
Places that are safe for these needle pushing thugs.
Politicians for the homeless want to keep their day jobs,
But don’t enforce the law on any of these mobs.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
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