Another UN Kyoto cock-up
Another UN Kyoto cock-up
James Bredin
Should we thank Jean Chretien for our Kyoto cock-up?
And will Kyoto result in our taxes going up?
Mandatory commitment with jobs lost and why?
As UN environmentalists look down from the sky.
Because Americans and Australians are not in,
China and India excused so for them it’s win win,
When will Canadians say we’re had enough?
When will UN politicians stop strutting their stuff?
Who is pulling the strings and have we all gone mad?
When is the sky going to fall and is this very sad?
As we march in lock step to the beat of the UN drum,
Where went our pride and when did we succumb?
Why does so little of this seem to make sense?
Why are we afraid that we might cause offence?
Will our federal politicians develop back bone?
Or will they hedge their bets again and try to postpone?
Thursday, March 30, 2006
James Bredin
Should we thank Jean Chretien for our Kyoto cock-up?
And will Kyoto result in our taxes going up?
Mandatory commitment with jobs lost and why?
As UN environmentalists look down from the sky.
Because Americans and Australians are not in,
China and India excused so for them it’s win win,
When will Canadians say we’re had enough?
When will UN politicians stop strutting their stuff?
Who is pulling the strings and have we all gone mad?
When is the sky going to fall and is this very sad?
As we march in lock step to the beat of the UN drum,
Where went our pride and when did we succumb?
Why does so little of this seem to make sense?
Why are we afraid that we might cause offence?
Will our federal politicians develop back bone?
Or will they hedge their bets again and try to postpone?
Thursday, March 30, 2006
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