Political Questions

1.Should all Canadians be allowed to vote for their prime minister instead of his friends in his/her party?
2.Should appointees – Supreme Court, Senators, Governor General, RCMP Commissioner and others be asked questions by an independent provincial body with the power to turn down before they take up their appointments?
3.Should Indians be allowed to own their land personally and sell their land if they want to?
4.Should terrorists who arrive in Canada, have Charter Rights and legal aid etc?
5.Should the Charter of Rights be for Canadians only?
6.Should Canadians have property rights in the Charter of Rights – already in the UN Charter but absent from the Canadian Charter?
7.Should immigration be at the provincial level (as in Quebec only) for all provinces?
8.Should illegal immigrants be deported immediately or allowed to roam on bail for years fighting the issue to the Supreme Court?
9.Should elections be by date or when the prime minister decides?
10. Should politicians have term limits in office – any office – two terms like the US presidents --or be allowed to make it a lifetime career?
11. Should Canadians be required to vote like Australians or be fined or taxed for the offence?
12. Should Canadians have binding referendums (like Switzerland) when enough signatures can be achieved?
13. Should politicians whose conduct is under investigation by an inquiry receive subpoenas or invitations, as Chretien received from the APEC Inquiry?
14. Should the nation debt -- $600 billion – be lowered to zero?
15. Should the government have tax and expenditure limits or politicians have their salaries lowered accordingly?
16. Should the Canadian dollar be on a par with the US dollar?
17. Should Canadians know the itinerary of politicians traveling abroad and the costs?
18. Should foreign aid loans and grants be passed in parliament?
19. Should MPs be allowed to represent their constituents rather than the party policy and vote accordingly?
20. Should the parliamentary TV cameras be allowed to show the empty seats?
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