Canadian Republic

Future History
James Bredin
Can’t have a republic because it’s forbidden,
Democracy and referendums too -- all hidden,
Maybe for just five minutes every five years,
Nothing, absolutely nothing, is as it appears.
And don’t even think of changing the status quo,
We’re locked into Ottawa and they say they know,
Long overdue that constitutional review,
Surely we can improve with something new.
Quebec has referendums and why can’t we?
It seems we’re forbidden by some Ottawa decree,
They get equalization and we do not,
Are we in a time warp that Ottawa forgot?
Adscam politicians will show us the way,
As they make appointees and we have no say,
To the Senate and the courts and no questions please,
As they go on various missions overseas.
Your member of parliament represents them,
Not you – it’s party discipline and you can’t condemn,
And if Quebec decides to separate,
Should we frown and cry or maybe celebrate?
Is it possible by then they’ll decide to change?
Or will it, by then, be too late to arrange?
They’re too busy at the moment getting elected,
Glad you called but at they moment they’re disconnected.
Friday, December 2, 2005
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