Canadian Political Poetry

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This retired person has numberous degrees from the University of Toronto and has lived a life of extreme danger and adventure. If you live in the Western World, it is vital that you read as much of this blog as you can. It is also vital that you check the complete profile here and at the bottom of that page, check the other blogs.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Judicial Dictatorship

Judicial Dictatorship


James Bredin

Our left-wing judges decided that abortion clinics were okay,
And you and I or our politicians have nothing to say,
Trapped in judicial Charter dictatorship and they will decide,
Supreme Court political appointees until they are seventy five.

The nice Christian ladies enroute to the abortion clinic places,
Pass nice Muslim ladies with dark scarves over their faces,
But the Muslim ladies are enroute to the maternity ward,
To have babies using their Ontario health cards.

Therefore the Christian population is going down fast,
As the number of polygamous Muslims increase en masse,
A phenomenon that’s happening now, right before our eyes,
But being politically correct we can’t sensationalize.

What do these demographic changes mean in the long run to us?
Will we dwindle down to minority while no one makes a fuss?
Politically correct multicultural as we watch the change,
No recall, no referendums, no changes where nothing is strange.

Will Sharia law replace the dogmatic Supreme Court?
-- Those judges who allowed Canadian women to abort,
Will polygamy replace monogamy in this big transform?
Democratic demography that abortion clinics perform.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


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