Unwed mothers, aids and Charter Rights

Unwed Mothers, Aids and Charter Rights
James Bredin
Fourteen unwed mothers arrived in Toronto last night,
Declared that they were refugees to everyone’s delight,
Wanted Charter Rights for themselves and all their huge brood,
Demanded an apartment with a view, money and their food.
Politically correct activists thought this was great,
Trudeau wrote the Charter so no need to think or to debate,
As unwed mothers of the world prepare to beat a track here,
And international goody-two-shoe socialists wear a leer.
They can join the incoming aids refugees already here,
Left over from the UN aids Conference without fear,
Day after day we are treated to communist philosophies,
Make believe world of righteousness without atrocities.
Propaganda of the pampered to make sure we’re on track,
Hundreds of journalists trained like a socialist wolf pack,
Not allowed to look at our future or the writing on the wall,
Where society as we know it may not only change but fall.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
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