Multicultural Mania

Multicultural Mania
James Bredin
Managed multiculturalism without fear,
Where Liberal prime ministers and premiers adhere,
And Canadian melting pot will not be allowed,
Because they have cornered the vote and feel so proud.
You are only xenophobic and archaic,
Preaching paranoia about multicult mosaic,
You don’t understand adscam and their friends,
Want to stay in office to continue corrupt trends.
They want to tax and spend and lie a whole lot more
Even lie again about the lies they told before,
Sanctimonious slobs but in power so long,
And if you’re not with them you just don’t belong
Love the UN the G7, G8 and Kyoto Protocol,
Not fussy about Americans as I recall,
As they import more voters from far and wide,
Pampered programs and health cards along for the ride.
Propaganda in their papers all night and day,
Editors long ago bought but they never say,
Twisted truth, bent bombast, socialist stripe,
Everything that Lenin and Trotsky would like.
The two Liberals on the Internet are disturbed,
Hiding their adscam shame but pompously perturbed,
Unfortunately the others have locked in their vote,
Don’t have to think while their brains are on remote.
Committed born again in their Liberal faith,
Adscam meant nothing and no need for debate,
No need for referendums, all the Liberals say,
Point finger at Conservatives and good old USA.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
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