Kyoto Courage

Kyoto Courage
James Bredin
The U.S. and Australia refused to tag along,
China and India were excused; right or wrong,
Still, our bone headed politicians just pushed on,
They can’t be convinced that Kyoto might be wrong.
Another government boondoggle has appeared,
Like gun registry – useless again it is feared,
But the UN loves a boondoggle more than most,
No referendums and can’t think of this as morose.
Government bureaucracies can’t stop climate change,
It’s cyclical and ongoing and it’s not very strange,
Add adscam politicians in a strange religious cult,
Could this be the ultimate Canadian insult?
We’re not allowed to show any disapproval,
Just every five years for one politician’s removal,
But we’re not allowed to vote for our prime minister,
Could this be dictatorial or sinister?
And why pray tell do we get leadership from hell?
Corrupt adscam politicians who never say farewell,
Lounge lizard Liberals with envelopes full of cash,
Then claim that they have changed in this election bash.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
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